Macro Turkey Feathers
As promised some closer views of some turkey feathers. All were taken with Nikon 40mm Macro lens and a few using a reversing ring (lens mounted backwards). Enjoy!
Collings Foundation-Capture the Airfield and American Heritage Museum Grand Opening 2018
This year’s trip to the Capture the Airfield was special because it was also the Grand Opening of the American Heritage Museum. The large museum encompasses artifacts from World War…
Storrs Hill End of Year Celebration
Brent, my youngest, learned how to downhill ski about 4 weeks ago and we have been at Storrs Hill every chance we get. This weekend was their last weekend and…
The Devil’s Kitchen – A Forgotten Attraction
Anyone that knows me knows that I love to search for old stuff, especially combined with photography. Back in 2015, my son and I went searching for Tipping Rock. A…
Water of the Upper Valley
My local newspaper, The Valley News just featured my new photo book titled, “Water of the Upper Valley.” The article featured five images from the book, including the one above.…
New Trails at Smith Pond
Some of my favorite woods and trails are up along the Smith Pond Brook and Smith Pond. The brook has two of the finest waterfalls in the Upper Valley: Big…
Mystical Moon in the Clouds
Last night as the family was retiring for the evening, I let the dog out to do her business. I looked up and immediately went back in to grab my…
Lebanon Tunnel Update – Artwork Unveiling
Before the Grand Opening of the renovated Lebanon Pedestrian Tunnel in July, The Lebanon, NH Arts and Culture Commission reached out to local artists to design and create art to…
Barred Owl
I had a chance to try out my new Tamron 150-600mm lens today. My neighbor called and said “There is an owl in our yard.” I was over in a…
A Day at Camp Coniston
Last weekend, my family and I spent a day at Camp Coniston in Croydon, NH. Usually, the 1200 acre camp on Lake Coniston would be full of young campers spending…
NCCT’s Performance of Mamma Mia 2021
I was lucky to be asked to take images of the North Country’s Community Theater’s Mamma Mia during their dress rehearsals. The cast and crew did a remarkable job bringing…
The Covered Railroad Bridges
My son and I finished mountain biking in the Newport Town Forest ( a great place by the way for some incredible technical single track). I brought my camera and…
Hazen Falls
Cloudy, Spring, Weekend=Waterfall Shots. Here I am at the bottom of he falls with my new golf cart umbrella holder attached to my tripod. It works pretty slick. Below: ISO…
Another Mystical Moon in the Clouds – Round 2
I decided to take another crack at the moon last night. Unfortunately, this meant I was standing in my yard between midnight and 2 am. I still heard fireworks going…
My Favorite Places
Some of my favorite places include Smith Pond (including Little and Big Dog Falls), Bicknell Brook (Colette Trail), and Grafton Pond. I seem to find myself driving down Route 4A…
Center for Cartoon Studies Block Party
The family and I went to the 10th anniversary of the Center of Cartoon Studies in White River Jct. this afternoon. Here are some candid street shots and some images…
New Trails at the Green Woodlands
Friday, I received the Facebook Post; The Green Woodlands was opening three new trails on Saturday. It was the perfect news, Saturday was my son’s birthday, and it was going…
Little Dog Falls First Big Snow 2018
Made the trek to Little Dog Falls after the first significant snowfall
The Corbin Covered Bridge-Newport, NH
Wellwood Orchards-Weathersfield, VT
A few shots between the raindrops.