Grafton Pond at Low Tide
It is the second year in a row that Grafton Pond has lowered its water level 8-10 feet for maintenance on the dam. It enables folks with legs to check…
Mystical Moon in the Clouds
Last night as the family was retiring for the evening, I let the dog out to do her business. I looked up and immediately went back in to grab my…
Storrs Hill End of Year Celebration
Brent, my youngest, learned how to downhill ski about 4 weeks ago and we have been at Storrs Hill every chance we get. This weekend was their last weekend and…
Lebanon Tunnel Update – Artwork Unveiling
Before the Grand Opening of the renovated Lebanon Pedestrian Tunnel in July, The Lebanon, NH Arts and Culture Commission reached out to local artists to design and create art to…
Water of the Upper Valley
My local newspaper, The Valley News just featured my new photo book titled, “Water of the Upper Valley.” The article featured five images from the book, including the one above.…
Lake Coniston in Black and White
A week after our family spent the day at Camp Coniston, located on Lake Coniston, my wife wanted to experience the hike around the lake, which I enjoyed by myself…
Collings Foundation’s Battle of the Airfield 2021
The Collings Foundation’s WWII reenactment and open house have been part of my son and I’s fall schedule since 2014. Usually held during the first or second weekend of October,…
Another Mystical Moon in the Clouds – Round 2
I decided to take another crack at the moon last night. Unfortunately, this meant I was standing in my yard between midnight and 2 am. I still heard fireworks going…
Harris Brook Conservation Area-Enfield, NH
I drove by this place about a month ago, so I checked it out this past weekend. It is a gem of a place. It is a reservoir that was…
Lake Woodruff – Florida Nature at It’s Best
Every year around the holidays or school vacation, my family would head south to Florida to get out of the snow and spend time with my father and wife, Nancy.…
Collings Foundation-Capture the Airfield and American Heritage Museum Grand Opening 2018
This year’s trip to the Capture the Airfield was special because it was also the Grand Opening of the American Heritage Museum. The large museum encompasses artifacts from World War…
Bar Harbor 2018
After a three year hiatus, our family went back to our favorite vacation destination: Mount Desert Island. We rented a cabin on the northern shore at Emery Cove. On the…
NCCT’s Performance of Mamma Mia 2021
I was lucky to be asked to take images of the North Country’s Community Theater’s Mamma Mia during their dress rehearsals. The cast and crew did a remarkable job bringing…
I Can’t Believe It!-I Fixed My Lens
Nowadays, most items cannot be fixed because the parts are not available, or are too expensive, or there is no one experienced enough to fix it. For example, last month…
The Forgotten Crash
This weekend’s Covid-19 hike was like a geocaching adventure, except the geocache was a downed airplane from the 1970s. Luckily, I had the coordinates for the crash site, which made…
Raptors in Focus: VINS Bird Photography Workshop
It was a treat to have attended the raptors in focus photo workshop at Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) on May 5th. The workshop, hosted by local photographer Rob…
My Sunflowers Finally Bloomed
Sunflowers are beautiful flowers known for their ability to grow facing towards the sun, and like most people, I like them. My family and I don’t have green thumbs by…
The Brick – Revival of an Argus
Argus is a word derived from the Greek word Argos. In Greek mythology, it is a watchman with a thousand eyes. It is also the name of a long-haired pheasant,…
Antique Textures
Hooked up with my father today and decided to go out and take some pictures. We ended up at Prospect Hill Antiques. Boy, what a find. I have not been there for years and we spent over an hour admiring all of the beautiful antiques. All photos were taken with a Nikon Macro 40mm lens with minor processing in Lightroom.…
Sue the Dinosaur at the Montshire-Norwich, VT
Visited the T. Rex named Sue at the Montshire. It is a great exhibit for both kids and adults. The Museum is a great place to roam and take photos. There is always something new to see.