My Favorite Places
Some of my favorite places include Smith Pond (including Little and Big Dog Falls), Bicknell Brook (Colette Trail), and Grafton Pond. I seem to find myself driving down Route 4A…
New Trails at Smith Pond
Some of my favorite woods and trails are up along the Smith Pond Brook and Smith Pond. The brook has two of the finest waterfalls in the Upper Valley: Big…
An Afternoon with a Loon
I went kayaking on McDaniels Marsh on a sunny July afternoon. There was a lone male loon hunting. The marsh is very shallow which allowed me to see the movement…
Lake Woodruff – Florida Nature at It’s Best
Every year around the holidays or school vacation, my family would head south to Florida to get out of the snow and spend time with my father and wife, Nancy.…
Macro Turkey Feathers
As promised some closer views of some turkey feathers. All were taken with Nikon 40mm Macro lens and a few using a reversing ring (lens mounted backwards). Enjoy!
The Devil’s Kitchen – A Forgotten Attraction
Anyone that knows me knows that I love to search for old stuff, especially combined with photography. Back in 2015, my son and I went searching for Tipping Rock. A…
Mystical Moon in the Clouds
Last night as the family was retiring for the evening, I let the dog out to do her business. I looked up and immediately went back in to grab my…
New Trails at the Green Woodlands
Friday, I received the Facebook Post; The Green Woodlands was opening three new trails on Saturday. It was the perfect news, Saturday was my son’s birthday, and it was going…
Raptors in Focus: VINS Bird Photography Workshop
It was a treat to have attended the raptors in focus photo workshop at Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) on May 5th. The workshop, hosted by local photographer Rob…
A Visit with Some Florida Sandhill Cranes
The Florida Sandhill Crane is a big bird – reaching heights of four feet with a wingspan of around 78″, they stand out when they are foraging for food along…
The Brick – Revival of an Argus
Argus is a word derived from the Greek word Argos. In Greek mythology, it is a watchman with a thousand eyes. It is also the name of a long-haired pheasant,…
The Covered Railroad Bridges
My son and I finished mountain biking in the Newport Town Forest ( a great place by the way for some incredible technical single track). I brought my camera and…
Lebanon Tunnel Grand Opening
Last week, Lebanon, NH, held the grand opening celebration of its downtown tunnel reopening. In the late 1960s, after the 1964 fire that destroyed most of Lebanon’s downtown near the…
A Day at Camp Coniston
Last weekend, my family and I spent a day at Camp Coniston in Croydon, NH. Usually, the 1200 acre camp on Lake Coniston would be full of young campers spending…
Another Mystical Moon in the Clouds – Round 2
I decided to take another crack at the moon last night. Unfortunately, this meant I was standing in my yard between midnight and 2 am. I still heard fireworks going…
Little Dog Falls First Big Snow 2018
Made the trek to Little Dog Falls after the first significant snowfall
Fall Color at the Millstone Trails
Mountains of waste granite (called grout), dozens of abandoned quarries, unique granite features, and four unbelievable vista views, all connected with over seventy miles of multi-use trails on over 1,500…
Collings Foundation-Capture the Airfield and American Heritage Museum Grand Opening 2018
This year’s trip to the Capture the Airfield was special because it was also the Grand Opening of the American Heritage Museum. The large museum encompasses artifacts from World War…
After the Rain
Some after (or between) the rain yard shots. I often just grab the macro lens and see what I can find in my own yard (unfortunately, the kids found some…
OK, Plum Island Pictures With No Birds!
Here are some shots of Plum Island and the Newburyport, MA with no wildlife. There were some beautiful relaxing sunsets! The fireplace was the center piece of our rental.
The USS Albacore Submarine Museum
A great visit to the USS Albacore Museum. We arrived early and had the sub to ourselves. It is very “hands-on”. The other sub that I visited had almost everything blocked off. There was also nice narrative boxes along the way explaining things with stories. The periscope even worked!