Mountains of waste granite (called grout), dozens of abandoned quarries, unique granite features, and four unbelievable vista views, all connected with over seventy miles of multi-use trails on over 1,500 acres, creates a great outdoor experience
We visited the Millstone Trails earlier in the year with our mountain bikes, which was a lot of fun, but hiking is probably the best way to experience the diverse landscape. Many of the trails that take you to vistas atop the rock piles and old abandoned relics are on foot traffic only trails.
My son testing out one of the many mountain bike features (right).
The trails are on what is called Millstone Hill. Over a century ago, it was bustling with rock cutters harvesting granite from multiple quarries. Now, with only the Rock of Ages quarry in operation, nature has reclaimed most of the hill. The network of trails is divided into three sections; Barre Town Forest, Gnome Man’s Land, and Canyonlands. The Millstone Trails Association maintains the trail system. There is also a popular 18-hole frisbee golf course, and some trails are open to horseback riding and cross-country skiing.
For parking, I would use the centrally located lot at 44 Brook Street, Websterville, VT. This lot gives easy access to Barre Town Forest and the Grand Lookout. Hiking is free, but mountain biking is $10/person to help support the trails. Passes are available on the MTA website.