Bellows Falls in HDR-Trip #2
I have been itching to get back down to Bellows Falls because I know I have only seen the tip of the iceberg (photography wise). The kids and I spent most of the day there. First we climbed Fall Mtn. for a perfect view of the city. We then ventured down to the river to talk to the fisherman just below the dam. They have been catching walleye, pike, and rainbow trout. We then ventured across the river to Bellow Falls and checked out the old mill buildings and bridges. We met a family who grew up in Walpole, but now live in Connecticut. He told me stories of climbing…
Thayer School Open House-Family Night
Some photos from last nights Dartmouth Thayer School of Engineering open house. It was very interesting. There were over twenty stations with everything from robotics, DNA, Ham Radio, and cotton candy!