Knights Hill Nature Park-New London, NH
Knights Hill Nature Park located off County Road in New London (south from traffic circle) is 100 acres of well laid out paths through fields and forest. The trails in the fields are kept mowed and there are many places to take a break and soak in the landscape. There are also many small signs that explain the plants and geology within the park. They want to keep disturbing nature to a minimum, so no dogs, running, jogging, bicycles, and children must be supervised.
Saint-Gaudens-Always Find Something New
An early morning visit to Saint-Gaudens will make your day. This is not my first time visiting, but this was the first time I spent the time to explore his workshop and take in the house tour. Links to previous posts on Saint-Gaudens:http://travispaigephotography.blogspot.com/2014/08/another-evening-at-saint-gaudens.htmlhttp://travispaigephotography.blogspot.com/2014/08/a-quiet-evening-at-saint-gaudens.htmlhttp://travispaigephotography.blogspot.com/2013/08/saint-gaudens.html